Prime DB is a benchmark for quality in technological services. A solid and innovative company that has certified professionals with years of experience in projects for small, medium and large critical and complex environments, whether in the Cloud or on-premise. 2021 was a year in which expectations were exceeded for Prime DB, which has now grown and operates in a new work front, in the United States.
Para consolidar esse momento, um novo site foi desenvolvido (em inglês e português) e a identidade visual foi reformulada para representar a fase atual à altura.
You can check the final result at
Technical specifications:
Creative director: João Angelo Belotto Filho
Art direction: João Angelo Belotto Filho
Service: João Angelo Belotto Filho and Duane Basse
Designer: João Angelo Belotto Filho and João Vitor Scarpim
Editorial staff: Duane Basse
Web development: Alessandro Silveira and Marcos Chagas